Promote the responsible use of Information Technology tools, the Web, and Internet applications
Sloweb is a non-profit association founded to promote the responsible use of IT tools, the web, and Internet applications through information, education, and the fight against improper use by organizations of all kinds. […]

The book reports some conversations that the Sloweb Association has organized for its annual Digital Ethics Forum. Luciano Floridi, Cosimo Accoto, Francesco Varanini, Michela Meo, Dunia Astrologo and Paolo Gerbaudo bring their observations on what could be an anthropological leap or, vice versa, a simple evolution of the monopolistic/oligopolistic domain. Nicola Bonotto and Francesco Cara tell what the sustainable web is, while Paolo Foietta recalls the principles of the Bauhaus (sober, economic, democratic and ecological) and a sustainable design approach with lasting roots. Pietro Jarre closes with an appeal for a new digital, sustainable and European industry.

Faced with the spread of digital technologies, each of us harbors a contradiction: on the one hand, we are conquered, intrigued and seduced by the new possibilities of communication and interaction with both the material and imaginary world; on the other, we often feel disoriented, dominated and perhaps even exploited by what appears to us as a system whose functioning and creators we do not really know.

Manuale di InformEtica – based on the 2020 edition of the Digital Ethics Forum promoted by the Sloweb Association – opens with two essential reference readings for the Western and global context, then reports twenty-eight useful talks for basic information on digital ethics issues.

In the world of Web 2.0, social networks, instant chats, selfies, and the mass cloud, it seems increasingly clear that the Internet has lost most of the positive values that it originally wanted to represent, becoming a marketplace, where those who are buying sometimes are aware of what they are doing, sometimes they are not. […]